Friday, August 31, 2012

Some things I've been thinking about lately -

Finding an internship somewhere?
Where is there even a place to intern?
Where do Visual Arts people fit in to the whole scheme of things?

As much as I'd like my own practice, I'd like to do other things too;
like in a more corporate setting perhaps.
working along side design people.
And how can I learn those skills to broaden my knowledge?

In terms of my own practice;
What ideas am I focused on?
What interests me?

I will keep an inter-disciplinary approach to my work, but at present i'd like to focus on painting. I tried to explain to Andy a couple days ago that I go through stages, where I have a lot of energy and I turn to more performative work, more hands on. Then sometimes I get more tired, more inward and I find myself drawing or painting more. Of course I keep all aspects of making open; if I am painting I normally have objects around me that i've collected or found that I feel, contribute to the painting (and vice versa), or anything that I'm doing. I like to keep many conversations open, conversations meaning between object and painting etc. Work speaking to work, which really helps me to find pathways into new projects or thinking.

Recently I did a painting of a cat for my partner, for her birthday. The cat is her's. The cat is named Buddy. Buddy is suspended in air, sleeping, floating in green and teal space.

I think everything we do, whether it's specifically for studio work or a partner or a friend or whatever, contributes to ideas and also technique. Every painting, anything we do, furthers knowledge... and this cat painting that I didn't think much of, was something I loved doing, undeniably and lately, i've really been struggling with doing work I think will please others, and doing work that is enjoyable! I love figurative, I love people and things and animals and plants and things in this world and I love to draw them and paint them. That is what I love and why should that be lost? Is it not conceptual enough? Is it not contemporary? (These are just questions, I aint bein a smart ass)

And this all brings me back to the things I have been thinking about lately...

What do I do with this degree once i'm finished? What kind of job can I get?
I'm not interested in being a curator, i'm not, at this point, interested in ONLY having a personal practice. I'm interested in tutoring or lecturing at University, but not high school teaching.

So many things to think about.

Here's some photos of said cat painting (unfinished) Will get a nice finished photo of it, soon.

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