Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Propaganda Project

The Propaganda Project is a student project blog dedicated to the issue of propaganda and understanding it.
Earlier in the year Maddi Atherfold and I spoke about doing a collaborative project for drawing. She had been spoken to about "silencing" as a topic or discussion in her work. We thought about "silencing" as a basis for a project and as we work very differently, we had different takes on the word. Maddi's was very physical, with her structures held together by placement of her objects and sometimes string or rubber bands. I thought more of imagery, and setteled in the idea of propaganda.The collab and the work quickly disintergrated as such, but the ideas have still been floating around my head.

Mark, the collective from Elam School of Fine Arts, posted 3 links today. All of them, as always, were really interesting. One of the links was The Propaganda Project.

On the blog, there was a page called 'Questions for Consideration', and they are just that.

1)      Where do you generally draw the line between persuasion and propaganda?

2)      Do you feel that your education used propagandistic techniques to create consensus (for example, in high school history textbooks?)  How so?

3)      Do you think propaganda can at times be used in positive ways?

4)      Is it necessary, to some degree, to keep people in the dark (specifically when it comes to policy decisions made by the government)?

5)      Does human psychology make us susceptible to propaganda, or is its use a byproduct of the society we live in?

6)      How much responsibility should the public take in educating themselves, and how responsible are the media and government for providing accurate information?

7)      What do you think would be the effects of having a well-informed, critically thinking public?

The last one has particularly stuck with me. I am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell and (without spoiling it) have gotten to the end of the book, which at a particular part, literally made me jump with fright. No joke. It's that messed up.

(But it's messed up in a really, real way. Which makes it entirely more scary then any horror film.)

^hahahahahaha best.

1984 is a novel, one could describe as Science Fiction. Written in the 1930's by George Orwell, the son of a gun predicted, as such, many things about the future. Communication via 'telescreens' being one of them. The story is set in Oceania-one of 3 sections of our earth- the other two being Eastasia and Eurasia. Oceania is always at war with either one or the other.

At Oceania's heart lies the Party, made up of four Ministries. 
The Ministry of Love
The Ministry of Truth
The Ministry of Peace
and the Ministry of Plenty.
And in complete and utter power of everything and everyone, is Big Brother, *cue light bulb* always watching, always listening.
Inside the Ministry of Truth, works a man by the named of Winston, who finds himself questioning every part of his society and the regime he's confined to.
What does Winston do 'bout it?


Picture sourced from

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