Monday, March 11, 2013

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"The anonymity of the Internet masks a layer of morphing human nature. The way in which we relate and communicate with each other, happens through a screen. We give ourselves new names, new faces, and a false sense of security. The game has changed and humans are changing with it. 
Have not the great Science Fiction writers of our time predicted just this; that vast advancement in technology would have incredible repercussions on the world and its inhabitants. We’re now examining ourselves through the social forums we’ve created for and of ourselves. We are living two lives at once, one in the physical and one in the digital. The question is, which foot is more firmly grounded? This, unlike other social phenomena, is not a question which can be answered by looking at a person’s age, sex, race or socio-economic status. So rarely can we predict who is living full force, in the digital world.   
A critique of our lives on social media cyberspace is made firstly through the exploration of the space itself; paring back the layers of dematerialisation to find that we are only dematerialising ourselves. "
 - Alexandra Hanna, Contextual Statement, 2012

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