Monday, August 13, 2012

Iron Lass vs. Happy Bene

Actually this is a super interesting thing to watch after i've just watched The Iron Lady, (starring the wonderous Meryl Streep) a film about the tough old broad herself, Margaret Thatcher.

Photo from here

Her policies are somewhat familiar to some in our own country, contributing to the gap between the rich and the poor growing larger. And I don't know everything! The movie,The Iron Lady, left me with a lot of questions as to who she was and what happened in that time, but when as I'm watching The Happy Bene - the film below- I'm feeling a strange natural juxtaposition.

People are forced into jobs where they sit stagnent and unhappy, so what do we do about it, as a society? Is being on the benefit a waste of tax payers money? (My opinion is one for later.) Where does that money go otherwise? Maggie T clearly had a mindset of get off your ass and get yourself a job and make something of your life, and that's an amazing outlook to have, but she also went so far as to try and impliment the same tax for everyone, regardless of whether you were employed or not. The issues and questions Tao Wells raises in The Happy Bene are legitimate concerns we can all question.
I'm rambling, so listen to this!

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