Monday, August 13, 2012

While i'm at it...

Tao and Laura Wells have started doing podcasts/downloadable radio shows! Take a listen, they have guests from artists to politicians to well, Sue Bradford is a regular. They also have an array of crazy music to listen to between readings on contemporary art subjects and theories as well as political readings. It's a rather educational and at times buzzy experience, but none the less, give it a whirl!
They're already up to episode 5 and they're all available from the site above.

In this episode you'll hear Dick Whyte (Who also did the film The Happy Bene) and Sue Bradford as well as the readings;
-Franco "Bifo" Berardi. (2009). The Soul at Work, from alienation to autonomy (p.37). Los Angeles CA: Semiotext(e). 

-Peter Burger. (1989). Theory of the Avant-Garde (pp.44-46). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

-Malcolm X, with the assistance of Alex Haley. (1968). The Autobiography of Malcolm X (pp.143-147). England: Penguin Books.

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